My Journey towards the college

Journey towards the college 

 Paro College of Education – Paro College of Education

The summer days were very scorching outside and I saw my mother weaving under the fan. I took a bottle of cool water from the refrigerator and went near her to help her. Suddenly, my phone rang from the other side of the room and I quickly rushed to respond the call. As I answered the call, I was surprised to hear that it was the call from RUB. I felt so nervous, that I became dumbfounded for a moment. My entire body started shivering, when the voice asked me if I want to join Paro College of Education. At first, I felt like it was in a dream and prank to fool me as coincidentally that day also fell on the April Fool’s day (1st April). Later, the man confirmed that they are calling from RUB. Then, I excitedly accepted to join. My mother also stopped her weaving for the moment to hear the news, when she noticed my reaction. The tear of joy fell from her eyes when I told her that I got selected there. My mother and the relatives were equally happy when I shared them the news. From that day on wards, eagerness started to haunt me to join the college and it was also my dream to experience the life at a college. I counted days and nights to go to the college and started making necessary items to take to the hostel. Finally, the most awaited day came and with an excitement, I packed my necessary things to get ready to college. The week before joining, I started my journey towards Thimphu from my village. Waving them goodbye was the hardest part as it was sad to depart from the loving mother and sisters. Still, I was determined, when I saw my mother in a joy, sending her daughter to the college and seeing off with a wisdom of advice. After arriving the capital city, my aunt and I did our necessary shopping for the college and I was happy that she was also one like me, who will be joining the college. The following day, I started the journey to college and waved goodbye to Thimphu city. On the way, suddenly some thought haunted me. At first I was so eager to join the college, but it feared me, thinking that there would be a ragging system as I have witnessed in most of the movies made in college. But my thoughts and the rumors that’s I heard turned false when I reached at the entry of the hostel. The seniors were there, warmly welcoming the freshers and received us. As we are done with registering our names, they helped us reach our things to the allocated rooms. They were so polite and I felt more comfortable in a new environment. As I entered the room, I was surprised to see my schoolmate as my roommate, which made me even more happy and comfortable. After resting for a while, we started cleaning our room and unpacked our things. Towards the dusk, when the sun went behind the mountain, I remembered my days with my family and started feeling unhappy and missed my family. But my friend kept me engaging with her funny talk. The day ended tirelessly and fun with my roommate.


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