Trip to Chhumphu Ngye

Chumphu is in Paro, the western District of Bhutan. It takes about 7 to 8 hours hike to reach and visit this site and be back. The striking feature of the Temple is the Dorji Phagmo (The flying Goddess) statue , commonly known as “floating” statue.e. Dorji Phagmo is also known as Vajravarahi.This statue is very sacred and ancient as its believed that the Goddess Dorji Phamo flew from Tibet and stayed on in the form of a statue. She is a life size statue and believe it or not, her one leg is crossed at the knees and the other is standing but does not touch the ground. After visiting the temple, we have also visited the lake which is located at ten minutes walk above the monastery. The lake is carved into the rocks by a beautiful waterfall. The waterfall is said to be the bathing place of Guru Rimpoche. An enormous rock opening can be witnessed which is believed to be the opening gates to Heaven.

Chhumphu Monastry 



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