
                                                                 Seasons  T he four seasons are winter , spring, summer and autumn.                                              Winter   Winter the coldest and most chilling season of the year. It starts from the month of October and runs through to the month of March. The earth looks rough and the trees shade their leaves. Due to intensive snowfall in some areas, the earth wears the white look. The winter season become hard and unbearable when it happens rainfall during it.t disturbs daily routine life. The movement of people, animals and other creatures becomes limited. In many part of the world, people are confined to their houses. The business activity falls and people rely on food grown during the other seasons. However, in winter season, many good and healthy fruits and vegetables grow like carrot, pineapple, orange, guava, papaya, radish, tomato and other foods.                                                           Spring  Spr

short story

  The King and the Foolish Monkey Story Once there was an able king ruled in a kingdom. He loves animals so that he had a pet monkey. This monkey was a fool, but was treated royally and moved freely in the king’s palace. King was given all the freedom to the monkeys. He was also allowed to enter the king’s personal rooms that were forbidden even for the servants. It was happy with the treat given by the King. One afternoon, the king was asleep, while the monkey kept watching to him. All of a sudden, a fly came in the room and sat on the king’s chest. The monkey influenced him away, but the fly would only go away for some time and return on the king’s chest again. The monkey got very angry and excited with this fly’s activity. The foolish monkey started chasing the fly with a sharp weapon. As the fly sat on the king’s chest again, the monkey hit the fly with all his strength. The fly flew away unharmed, but the king was severely wounded in the chest and at last he died. Moral: Beware

Trip to Chhumphu Ngye

Chumphu is in Paro, the western District of Bhutan. It takes about 7 to 8 hours hike to reach and visit this site and be back.   T he striking feature of the  Temple is the Dorji Phagmo (The flying Goddess) statue , commonly known as “floating” statue.e. Dorji Phagmo is also known as Vajravarahi. This statue is very sacred and ancient as its believed that the Goddess Dorji Phamo flew from Tibet and stayed on in the form of a statue. She is a life size statue and believe it or not, her one leg is crossed at the knees and the other is standing but does not touch the ground. After visiting the temple, we have  also visited the lake which is located at ten minutes walk above the monastery. The lake is carved into the rocks by a beautiful waterfall. The waterfall is said to be the bathing place of Guru Rimpoche. An enormous rock opening can be witnessed which is believed to be the opening gates to Heaven. Chhumphu Monastry  WaterFall

Science video Lesson

  Video lesson on Solid- Solid Mixture  Class V   In this video, it talks about what solid- solid mixtures which we can see around us.  There are two types of solid- solid mixture name; Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixture.  while making a mixture, we should also be aware of how to separate those mixtures. so Solid- solid mixtures are categorized based on weights, colors, size and shapes. 

My Journey towards the college

Journey towards the college    The summer days were very scorching outside and I saw my mother weaving under the fan. I took a bottle of cool water from the refrigerator and went near her to help her. Suddenly, my phone rang from the other side of the room and I quickly rushed to respond the call. As I answered the call, I was surprised to hear that it was the call from RUB. I felt so nervous, that I became dumbfounded for a moment. My entire body started shivering, when the voice asked me if I want to join Paro College of Education. At first, I felt like it was in a dream and prank to fool me as coincidentally that day also fell on the April Fool’s day (1st April). Later, the man confirmed that they are calling from RUB. Then, I excitedly accepted to join. My mother also stopped her weaving for the moment to hear the news, when she noticed my reaction. The tear of joy fell from her eyes when I told her that I got selected there. My mother and the relatives were equally happy when I sh

Ema Datsi

Making Ema Datsi Ema datshi can be made with Different varieties of chilies: green chili, red chili, and/or white chili (green chili washed in hot water and sun-dried). There are so many variations to Ema Datshi, and people have their own personal preferences. Some like to have it cheesy with no soup, while others like to have it with soup. Some love to add ingredients like tomatoes, garlic, onion & stalk onion leeks. Some prefer it simple with only garlic, chilli and cheese. Some make it spicy while others prefer it mild.  What will you need? *1-2 per serving 7 - 8 pieces Green Chilli 1/2 a Tomato 2 cloves Garlic 1 cup diced Cheddar Cheese

For kids

 Rhymes Benefits of Nursery Rhymes  Develop language and literacy skills Develop communication skills Enhances physical development Helps develop cognitive skills